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OT Visibility Assessment

OT networks are no longer isolated but are increasingly connected to the IT environment and the internet.

Is your OT environment ready to take the  next step?  Or do you lack visibility on assets and vulnerabilities?  We offer OT/IoT network and security scans and assessments for brownfield and greenfield environments.

industry security assessment OT

What is an OT Visibility Assessment?

OT environments often use legacy components and protocols, have access to external providers and need to be available 24/7. The impact of a security incident is potentially significant: financially due to the unavailability of the production environment and environmentally due to the impact on the surroundings, the environment or the health of the employees or even damage to the reputation of your company. The OT assessment maps out the current situation and provides advice on safety measures to be taken in the short and long run.

What are the benefits?

Increased security maturity of the OT environment

Despite the criticality of the OT environment, it is often the least secured environment in the company. Increasing the security maturity of the OT environment has an immediate and significant impact on the overall security level of your company.

Act proactively on OT specific weaknesses.

Discover the weaknesses within your organisation before attackers can exploit them. We use OT specific tools to analyse both asset and network information to identify vulnerabilities that could have an impact on operational continuity.

Relevant points of improvement strategical and technical

Inventory of all shortcomings and opportunities within your environment, including related points of improvement that safeguard the core activities of your organisation and possibility for an assessments from a business and strategic point of view (ISO 62443).

Independent assessment for any organisation

A fresh look at the current measures within your organisation – are the right tools, processes, and resources in place? How resilient is your environment? Suitable for any type of organisation, regardless of size, sector or IT/OT security maturity.

What will you get?

  • A plan to identify risks, protect assets, detect attacks, respond to them appropriately and improve the situation.​
  • A technology-independent roadmap (multi-year plan) to increase the security of your OT environment.
  • The identification of quick wins from the standpoint of the “low effort/low cost – high gain principle”.
  • A complete overview of your current security posture compared to the target status and, if possible, to similar companies or industry peers.
industry security assessment OT

How do we work?

  1. Workshop with the client to determine the objectives of the assessment and to map out the current environment in terms of technology, people, and processes.
  2. Possible installation of specific tools to create an asset inventory and to identify vulnerabilities.
  3. Report containing recommendations for the future: quick wins and a concrete step-by-step plan.
  4. Preparation and presentation of the report.

Why is this a priority?

OT environments are increasingly integrated within the IT environment and connected to the outside world. In the past, the security of OT environments often received less attention and in many cases, it is also rather more complex. However, the impact of a potential incident is often significant, both operationally as well as financially. And the company’s reputation may also be at stake. What’s more, we must not forget that an incident within an OT environment potentially can also have an impact on safety of the plant, the employees and the environment.