Talking too much and creating confusion—this might perfectly apply when discussing the concept of Secure Access Service Edge, or SASE for short. There’s already a lot that has been said and written about it. Where exactly are we today in the Gartner Hype Cycle? Is SASE still a marketing hype, or is there already maturity emerging in the technology?
Experts Hein and Dries dive deeper into this topic. They provide the necessary technology context, covering all the “usual suspects”: WAN, LAN, WI-FI, WFH, and, of course, Keyser SASE. They also share some best practices and present a concrete use case. Get ready for 25 minutes of imperial content.

25 minutes spotit knowledge sharing
During this session, you will get answers to questions such as:
- Is SASE a mature technology today?
- What makes (Keyser) SASE so special?
- What pitfalls do “the usual suspects” bring if you don’t look at this end-to-end?
- What considerations should you take into account in a SASE project?
- What criteria should you use to choose the most suitable SASE solution for your organization?
- How do you develop a roadmap for a SASE project?
- What further evolutions do we see in the networking landscape?
Watch the info session (in Dutch):
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Extra Tip
Also interesting to read: 6 reasons we believe SASE is the future of networking | Spotit